how it works
how it works
how it works
Fostering in Merthyr Tydfil isn’t an isolated role. It’s all about connection and community.
Our small but mighty team are your dedicated network, offering round-the-clock support and expertise whenever it’s needed.

better together
We know the value of working together. Support is what we’re here for, and what we do – for the children in our care, for their foster families and for the skilled professionals who work with all of us every day.
We can only offer such a high level of support because we are part of Foster Wales. This national network is a collaboration of 22 dedicated not-for-profit organisations: every Local Authority in Wales, working together to build better futures for the children in our care. It means everything goes right back into making us better at what we do. To give more, where it’s most needed.

what makes us different
Our foster carers are at the heart of everything we do. We put people before profit, always, and that means always considering what’s best for the children in our care, and the amazing people who make up their foster families. Part of this is staying local, and keeping children in the places and communities they know and love. When it’s right for them, we’ll always look at maintaining the important bonds – friendships, social clubs, extended family – that mean so much.
We know that holding on to all these things can help children maintain their identity and sense of ‘self’. Not all fostering agencies can prioritise this, but as a not-for- profit, we can.
At the end of the day, it’s about understanding, caring and doing what’s best for each individual child. And as a foster parent with Foster Wales, you’re what makes that possible.